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Baker Elementary School

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The Visual Art curriculum is based on the Pennsylvania State Art Standards and interdisciplinary cross-curricular connections.

During the 50 minute class period, students in grades 1-4 learn about the art techniques and mediums used in creating their masterpieces. Kindergarten students participate in fine motor skills and activities during a 30-minute class period. Pennsylvania State Art Standards have four components: Production, Performance and Exhibitions; Historical and Cultural Context; Critical Response; and Aesthetic Response.

Production, Performance and Exhibitions:

The students will know the elements and principles of Art. They will be able to recognize the use of the appropriate mediums, vocabulary and learn the processes need to create the artwork.

Historical and Cultural Context:

The students will learn about artists from Pennsylvania to other global countries. They will be able to identify their work and emulate their art style.

Critical Response:

The students will learn the process of examination of an artwork in order to analyze, interpret and discuss the meaning behind the artist’s work. Each masterpiece discussion will include the elements and principles of art and the students’ personal reflection.

Aesthetic Response:

The student will learn how to respond to an artwork by giving an opinion and a personal reflection. The students will recognize the artist’s choices in the masterpiece and the influences that surround the artwork.

The interdisciplinary connections between the Arts and the other subject areas include a variety of artists and art techniques. In each grade level, the students will learn about an artist, their artwork and emulate their style and how it connects with the other subject areas.

The art teachers save many pieces of student work for display around the school building for the annual STAR Night and for an annual exhibit at the District Administration Building.