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Baker Elementary School

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Vocal Music

Students in grades one through four have two 30-minute music periods each week. The elementary music curriculum provides enriching experiences that become integrated into students’ lifelong appreciation of music.

Curriculum objectives use singing, movement, and instrument playing to build the children’s skills in the musical elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, form, dynamics, and timbre. In addition, the children learn to appreciate and discriminate among the works of composers from a variety of periods and styles.


Fourth grade students may participate in the District’s orchestra program. Students receive weekly instruction on the string instrument of their choice and participate in the school orchestra. Students entering during the year may receive this information through the school office or by contacting Dr. John Seybert, Performing Arts Curriculum Leader at 412-833-1600 x3220.

Music lessons take place during the school day, and every attempt is made to schedule the lessons so that students will not miss other special subjects such as Library or Art. Students should check with their teachers about work missed during their instrumental lessons.