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Baker Elementary School

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World Language

In recognition of the research which states that early language learning is beneficial for all students, the Upper St. Clair elementary schools began a proficiency-based elementary Spanish program during the 1998-1999 school year. In the 2012-2013 school year, the district moved to a FLEX Program (which stands for Foreign Language Exploratory). The goal of our FLEX program is to provide high quality Spanish-language exposure to our elementary students in grades 1-4.

Spanish was selected because it is a language that is used prevalently throughout the United States and in twenty-two countries around the world. The benefits of total school focus on a single language and culture contributed to our decision to offer Spanish for all students. It was also the overwhelming choice of parents who completed a survey prior to implementation. As the Spanish program at the elementary level has evolved, modifications to the middle school programs have been made. All students have the opportunity to experience three foreign languages during their K- 5 school careers. This strong foundation has made it possible for students to excel at the high school level in one or more languages.

Students at all levels learn basic vocabulary ranging from greetings to simple sentences. They learn how to say their names, ages, and body parts, express likes and dislikes, and talk about their favorite sports, their health and foods. Content specific topics are introduced in Spanish to reinforce curriculum taught in the regular classrooms at each grade level where possible. In addition to speaking Spanish in a variety of contexts, students hear stories and sing songs. The children also see their Spanish being applied to numerous interdisciplinary activities in social studies, science, health and literature.

Students in first through third grades receive one 30-minute period of Spanish instruction each week. Additionally, Spanish teachers create one in-class technology supported lesson for third grade students to complete under the supervision of their classroom teacher. Fourth grade students receive two 30-minute periods of instruction by the Spanish teacher per week.