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Baker Elementary School

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School Counseling works to meet the academic, career, and personal/social needs of EVERY student.   

Elementary School Counseling is a program that benefits all students at Baker Elementary! The purpose of the program is to address the developmental needs of students as well as provide additional support and accommodations as needed.  

Mrs. Kristin Senay Rose, M.S.C.P., N.C.C.

School Counselor
Baker Elementary School
412-833-1600, ext. 4010

As the School Counselor at Baker, I offer: 

  • Weekly Classroom Lessons.  Lessons are approximately 30 minutes, performed each week on a variety of topics that relate to the building wide monthly themes.
  • Small Groups for friendship, changing families, basic social skills, etc. 
  • Individual brief counseling to address a variety of concerns related to school. 
  • Daily teacher collaboration.  

I act as:

  • An advocate for all students.
  • Student Support Services (S³) Building Coordinator, our district's system of team collaboration to ensure the success of all students.
  • Test Coordinator for Terra Nova, InView, OLSAT, and PSSAs.
  • Liaison with district services, including but not limited to district psychologists, speech therapists, etc.

I am also available to meet with parents individually. Please feel free to contact me if your child is experiencing difficulties that may have an impact on academic performance such as academic stress, grief or loss, changing families, peer relations, etc. I want all students to be a success at Baker!