Red Ribbon Week
October 23rd-31st
Baker celebrates Red Ribbon Week, a nationally recognized drug free prevention program, each October.
At Baker, we celebrate this week with different daily themes and activities that encourage students to commit to a drug free lifestyle by acquiring good decision making skills. In past years, we have had themes such as: Team up Against Drugs, Exercise Good Choices, Choose to Be a Good Sport,Turn Your Back on Drugs, and "Red"dy to Make Good Choices.
History of Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week is dedicated to Federal Drug Enforcement Agent Enrique Camaqrena, who was killed by drug traffickers in Mexico in 1985. In response to his death, angered parents across the country began wearing red ribbons to symbolize their commitment towards the creation of a drug-free America. In 1988, congress officially proclaimed the first National Red Ribbon Week, October 23rd-31st. The Red Ribbon has become a symbol for the drug-free movement.